Enhancing Near and Intermediate Vision with with a New Paired Trifocal Lens Implant. | ASCRS
Enhancing Near and Intermediate Vision with with a New Paired Trifocal Lens Implant.
May 2020
Meeting: 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting
Session: SPS-108 Trifocal IOLs
Authors: Sheraz M. Daya, MD, FRCSEd, FRCOphth, FACS, Marcela Espinosa MD, Saj Khan FRCSEd
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This content from the 2020 ASCRS Virtual Annual Meeting is only available to ASCRS members. To log in, click the teal "Login" button in the upper right-hand corner of this page.

Report the visual and refractive outcomes of a paired trifocal lens implant (Artis Symbiose) with one more dominant intermediate vision (Artis Mid) and the other for dominant for near vision (Artis Plus).

Review of Fifty patients (100 eyes)undergoing bilateral cataract or refractive lens exchange surgery with implantation of the Artis Plus in the non-dominant eye and Artis Mid in the dominant eye. Measures include monocular and binocular defocus curves, refractive outcomes, UDA, BSCVA, uncorrected vision at 40, 60 and 80cm as well as patient satisfaction

103 eyes of 54 patients mean of 63 years (47 to 79) were implanted. 49 patients (98 eyes) bilaterally and 5 eyes unilaterally. At 1M (n=59) SE was 0.11D (SD 0.54) cyl -0.27 (SD 0.33). 83% were ±0.50D and 100% ±1.00D. 81% had Binocular UDVA ≥20/20 100% ≥20/25 UNVA was 20/20 or better in 62%, and ≥20/25 in 86% UIVA at 60cm was ≥20/20 in 67% and 20/25 in 97% and at 80cm 97% were ≥20/20 and 50% ≥20/15. Defocus curves of each type of lens was consistent with cumulative flattening when checked binocularly. Data at 3M showed further improvement in unaided acuity at all distances demonstrating the benefit of neuro-adaptation. All patients were able to drive within days of surgery

Recipients of the Artis Symbiose lens system reliably benefited early with good binocular distance, intermediate and near vision and further improvement with time.
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This presentation is from the session "SPS-108 Trifocal IOLs" from the 2020 ASCRS Virtual Annual Meeting held on May 16-17, 2020.

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