An algorithm for the preoperative diagnosis and treatment ofocular surface disorders | ASCRS
Committee Report
An algorithm for the preoperative diagnosis and treatment of ocular surface disorders
June 2019
Primary Author: Chris E. Starr, MD
Additional Authors: Preeya K. Gupta, MD, Marjan Farid, MD, Kenneth A. Beckman, MD, Clara C. Chan, MD, FRCSC, Elzabeth Yeu, MD, Jose A.P. Gomes, MD, PhD, Brandon D. Ayres, MD, John P. Berdahl, MD, Edward J. Holland, MD, Terry Kim, MD, Francis S. Mah, MD
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Report Summary

Any ocular surface disease (OSD), but most commonly, dry-eye disease (DED), can reduce visual quality and quantity and adversely affect refractive measurements before keratorefractive and phacorefractive surgeries. In addition, ocular surgery can exacerbate or induce OSD, leading to worsened vision, increased symptoms, and overall dissatisfaction postoperatively. Although most respondents of the recent annual American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) Clinical Survey recognized the importance of DED on surgical outcomes, many were unaware of the current guidelines and most were not using modern diagnostic tests and advanced treatments. To address these educational gaps, the ASCRS Cornea Clinical Committee developed a new consensus-based practical diagnostic OSD algorithm to aid surgeons in efficiently diagnosing and treating visually significant OSD before any form of refractive surgery is performed. By treating OSD preoperatively, postoperative visual outcomes and patient satisfaction can be significantly improved.