IC-314 Early Diagnosis and Management of Low-Tension Glaucoma in High Risk Population | ASCRS
IC-314 Early Diagnosis and Management of Low-Tension Glaucoma in High Risk Population
July 2021
Meeting: 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Course Instructor: Hosam El Sheha, MD, PhD
Co-instructors: Celso Tello, MD, FACS, C. Gustavo De Moraes, MD, PhD, MPH
This content is only available for ASCRS Members

This content from the 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting is only available to ASCRS members. To log in, click the teal "Login" button in the upper right-hand corner of this page.

Educational Objective
Use a systematic approach to improve patient care and/or clinical results

Course Description
The course will use literature data, case series presentations and interactive discussion to demonstrated novel diagnostic approach for earlier detection of low-tension glaucoma (LTG) in population at risk. It will also provide current and alternative treatment strategies to prevent potential LTG-induced blindness.

2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting Instructional Courses

This 1.5 hour Instructional Course was recorded at the 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, held on July 24-27, 2021.