Film 82035: Solving the Origami Shape. Suturing for Descemet Membrane Detachment after Cataract Surgery Assisted By Intraoperative As-OCT. | ASCRS
Film 82035: Solving the Origami Shape. Suturing for Descemet Membrane Detachment after Cataract Surgery Assisted By Intraoperative As-OCT.
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Clarisa Del Hierro Gutierrez, MD
Producers: Roxana Becerril-Cazadero, MD; Guillermo de Wit, MD, FACS
Category: Refractive/Cornea Surgery
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An 81-year old female presented a severe Descemet membrane detachment during phacoemulsification surgery. She underwent suturing assisted by intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography which was useful to identify specific zones where the membrane was not attached despite the air bubble. A bubble of SF6 was placed in the anterior chamber. One day postop Descemet’s Membrane was attached 360º.