Film 82493: Fix That Axis! Swivel Haptic Anterior Capsular Fixation of Toric IOLs | ASCRS
Film 82493: Fix That Axis! Swivel Haptic Anterior Capsular Fixation of Toric IOLs
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Supriya Sri Ganesh, MBBS, MS
Producers: Sri Ganesh, FRCS, MS, DNB
Category: Instruments & Devices/IOLs
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This video shows the design and efficacy of a new design of toric IOL with anterior capsular fixation via two extra swivel haptics fixed on the surface of the optic at 3 and 9 o clock positions that swivel back and forth. After implantation, the extra haptics slide over the anterior capsule. The post operative BCVA, axis rotation, IOL decentration and complications are assessed and presented.