IC-103 Mastering the Posterior Capsule: Thinking-out-of the Bag Paradigm Shift | ASCRS
IC-103 Mastering the Posterior Capsule: Thinking-out-of the Bag Paradigm Shift
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Course Instructor: Lisa B. Arbisser, MD
Co-Instructors: Thomas A. Oetting, MD, Jason J. Jones, MD, H. Burkhard Dick, MD, PhD, Abhay R. Vasavada, MS, FRCS, Marie-José B. Tassignon, MD
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Course Description
Attendees will learn the subtle art of safely applying their capsulorrhexis skills to the posterior capsule in complicated and elective situations. At the conclusion of this course, they will be knowledgeable enough to implement hyaloid-sparing posterior capsulorrhexis selectively or as a routine with various forms of optic capture, be updated on automation techniques and have the power to make cataract surgery a permanent visual solution.

Educational Objective
Attendees should feel comfortable managing the posterior capsule to aid best outcomes in complicated and elective scenarios.

2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting Instructional Courses

This 1.5 hour Instructional Course was recorded at the 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC on April 22-25.