IC-208 DMEK in Challenging Eyes: A Step-By-Step Approach | ASCRS
IC-208 DMEK in Challenging Eyes: A Step-By-Step Approach
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Course Instructor: Nizar Din, FRCOphth
Co-Instructors: Joshua C. Teichman, MD, MPH, David S. Rootman, MD, FRCS, Hall F. Chew, MD, ABO, Clara C. Chan, MD, FRCS, Neera Singal, FRCSC, MD
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Course Description
Course will guide the attendee using videos on how to perform DMEK with cataract surgery, in vitrectomized eyes, in eyes post trabeculectomy or tube, under prior PKP, combined with IOL exchange and scleral fixated PCIOL, in eyes with unique anterior segment anomalies like aniridia/aphakia/ICE syndrome, and femtosecond laser-assisted DMEK.

Educational Objective
I want the learner to gain comfort with doing DMEK combined with cataract surgery and also in eyes with more complex anatomy and hardware in the anterior chamber.

2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting Instructional Courses

This 1.5 hour Instructional Course was recorded at the 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC on April 22-25.