IC-405 Gotta Retire Someday: PE, Growth or Survival on Your Own | ASCRS
IC-405 Gotta Retire Someday: PE, Growth or Survival on Your Own
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Course Instructors: Isabelle Bibet-Kalinyak, JD, MBA, Rajesh U. Kothari, MBA
This content is only available for ASCRS Members

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Course Description
A healthcare attorney, an investment banker and an ophthalmologist will prepare you to operate your practice for the next decade whether you want to explore PE, grow on your own or just stay the course: (1) Grooming staff from office manager to administrator; (2) recruiting and retaining; (3) how to make your practice more attractive for PE; and (4) systems, regulatory, operational & financial reporting that impact your ability to transition.

Educational Objective
Understand private equity and other growth model(s),including pros and cons

2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting Instructional Courses

This 1.5 hour Instructional Course was recorded at the 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC on April 22-25.