SYM-21 The Perfect Save: Challenging Cases Managed by International Experts | ASCRS
April 22-26, 2022   |   Washington, DC


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SYM-21 The Perfect Save: Challenging Cases Managed by International Experts

About this Session

Session Moderators: Thomas Kohnen, MD, PhD, Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD, FACS
Session Panelists: Michael C. Knorz, MD, Stephen G. Slade, MD, FACS, Ronald Yeoh, FRCSEd, FRCOphth

The International Intra-Ocular Implant Club (IIIC) was founded in 1966 by Sir Harold Ridley, the inventor of the IOL, and is an invitational society devoted to the art and the science of intraocular lens implantation. The IIIC symposium will focus on case based cataract surgery including management of complications, new technology, IOL calculations and advanced techniques to improve surgical outcomes. The expertise of international leaders in cataract surgery will be highlighted in a case- based program featuring video presentations and will be discussed by a panel of thought leaders in the field of lens-based surgery.

Presentations in this Session