About this Session
Session Moderator: Marjan Farid, MD, ABO
The ASCRS Cornea Clinical Committee will focus on essential cornea topics in this dynamic symposium. Topics to be presented: The Non-Healing Corneal Epithelium, Infectious Keratitis and Inflammatory Ocular Surface Disease.
Sponsored by the ASCRS Cornea Clinical Committee
Presentations in this Session
There Is NO Pain: Neurotrophic Keratitis. What Is My Algorithm for Treatment?
Karolinne M. Rocha, MD, PhD, ABO
There Is a LOT of Pain: Recurrent Epithelial Erosions. What Is My Algorithm for Treatment?
Elizabeth Yeu, MD
Bacterial, Fungal, and Acanthamoeba Infections: How Do I Know What It Is and What Treatment Do I Start?
Brandon D. Ayres, MD, ABO
Is This Herpetic Eye Disease? What Is My Treatment Algorithm in HSV or Hzv Epithelial, Stromal, Endothelial Disease?
Zachary J. Zavodni, MD
What’s the Latest in the Management of Dry Eye, MGD, and Blepharitis
Sumit Garg, MD, ABO
Differentiating and Treating the Red Eye: Allergy, Episcleritis and Scleritis
Soroosh Behshad, MD, ABO
Differentiating and Treating Inflammatory Corneal Melts
Julie Schallhorn, MD