SYM-7 Tools for Survival | ASCRS
April 22-26, 2022   |   Washington, DC


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SYM-7 Tools for Survival

About this Session

Session Moderator: Zaina Al-Mohtaseb, MD, ABO 
Session Panelists: Soroosh Behshad, MD, ABO, Ashley R. Brissette, MD, MSc, FRCSC, ABO, Michael D. Greenwood, MD, Mark S. Hansen, MD, Kourtney H. Houser, MD, ABO, Sumitra S. Khandelwal, MD, ABO, Peter Knowlton, MD, Daniel Lee, MD, ABO, Shawn R. Lin, MBA, MD, Beeran Meghpara, MD, ABO, Neda Nikpoor, MD, ABO, Arsham Sheybani, MD, ABO, Russell Swan, MD

Join the YES Clinical Committee as they offer pearls on important practice-related and non-clinical topics that are not always openly discussed: how to get into fellowship; private vs. academic practice; staying up to date with surgical techniques; working with industry; creating a work/life balance; and global outreach.

Presentations in this Session