IC-311 Ocular Surface Procedures in the Treatment Room | ASCRS
IC-311 Ocular Surface Procedures in the Treatment Room
May 2023
Meeting: 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Course Instructor: Erica Darian-Smith, MBBS
Co-Instructors: Neera Singal, FRCSC, MD; Joshua C. Teichman, MD, MPH; Clara C. Chan, MD, FRCSC; David S. Rootman, MD, FRCS; Allan R. Slomovic, MD, FRCS, MSc, ABO
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Course Description
Surgeries performed in a minor treatment room will be reviewed. Topics include superficial keratectomy; band keratopathy chelation; pterygium surgery; amniotic membrane use; conjunctival flaps; corneal perforation management; corneal relaxing incisions; conjunctival chalasis management; and corneal tattoo. Emphasis will be placed on tips & tricks with didactic panel discussion on intermediate to challenging clinical situations.

Educational Objective
Attendees will be exposed to intermediate level and challenging ocular surface scenarios and will have the opportunity to interact and discuss the different surgical alternatives with the faculty panel, in order to increase their armamentarium for use in the minor treatment room.

2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting Instructional Courses

This 1.5 hour Instructional Course was recorded at the 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, on May 5-8, 2023.