50th Anniversary Videos | ASCRS

50th Anniversary Videos

50th Anniversary Videos

ASCRS has made significant effort to interview the founders and early leaders of the Society as well as those who have made significant contributions to the Society’s success over the years in honor of the 50th anniversary. 

Stay tuned for special video content that will be added to this page to showcase this historical milestone as well as ASCRS’ impact in the areas of education, advocacy, and philanthropy. 



50 Years of ASCRS: Celebrating Trailblazers, Innovators and Educators in Ophthalmology

From its founders and early leaders through the next generation of ophthalmologists, this video shares the history of the Society and its impact on the field from 1974 through 2024. 

"It Made My Career": Members Speak

Members share how ASCRS influenced their career and why they value the Society.



We Educate: Propelling Anterior Segment Education Forward

Hear what sets ASCRS education apart in the world of ophthalmology and why continued education and innovation is so necessary for the advancement of the field.

We Advocate: Preserving Access to Specialty Care

Hear about how ASCRS has impacted the legislative and regulatory environment over the last 50 years, protecting the rights of ophthalmologists to provide high-quality care to their patients.

We Donate: Delivering Humanitarian Eyecare Domestically and Abroad

Learn how the ASCRS Foundation offers the opportunity to collaborate and give back in support of physician education and humanitarian cataract surgery.