Simple 2 LID Speculum Technique for Topical Phacoemulcification in Challenging Cases with Deepsocket & Sqeezing Eyes | ASCRS
Film 72637: Simple 2 LID Speculum Technique for Topical Phacoemulcification in Challenging Cases with Deepsocket & Sqeezing Eyes
July 2021
Meeting: 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
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Film ID: 72637
Presenting Author: Rajesh Deshmukh, FRCS, MBBS
Producers: Mohammed Majid, FRCOphth, PhD; Gnanapragasam Nithyanandarajah, FRCOphth, FRCSEd; Ajmal Rehman, FRCSEd
Category: Film Category: New Techniques

Phacoemulsification with the intraocular lens is challenging in deep socket eyes and more so with additional complexities of small pupils, very long or short eyes, excessive squeezing etc when planned under high throughput topical anaesthesia list. We demonstrate a simple, safe and cost-effective technique with the use of two lid speculums to counter the challenges faced in deep socket eyes.