Not the Usual Pigmented Conjunctival Lesion | ASCRS
Film 74921: Not the Usual Pigmented Conjunctival Lesion
July 2021
Meeting: 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
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Film ID: 74921
Presenting Author: Giancarlo Bordas, MD
Producers: Ariana De los Ángeles Blanco, MD; Maria Gonzalez, MD; Miguel Lopez, MD 
Category: New Producer/Young Physician

30 y.o. female presents to consult with a tumorous lesion on the nasal bulbar conjunctiva of the right eye, as a pigmented, papillomatous lesion involving the limbus. The tumor was excised and cryotherapy was applied sending the sample to biopsy, suggesting an atypical nevus with positive lesions on borders. Immunohistochemistry stated as the diagnose a Pigmented Squamous Cell Carcinoma in situ.