Topo-Guided Removal of Epithelium in Keratoconus (TREK): A Novel Tissue Sparing Customised Ablation | ASCRS
Film 76343: Topo-Guided Removal of Epithelium in Keratoconus (TREK): A Novel Tissue Sparing Customised Ablation
July 2021
Meeting: 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
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Film ID: 76343
Presenting Author: Sneha Gupta, MBBS, MS
Producers: Pooja Khamar, MS; Rohit Shetty, FRCS
Category: New Techniques

Topo guided removal of epithelium in keratoconus (TREK) regularizes thin corneas, advanced keratoconus & decentered cones. Ablation depth of 25μ beyond thinnest epithelial thickness is applied over the highest steepening using PTK-CAM module of Schwind Amaris with manual removal of surrounding epithelium over 7 mm area & accelerated CXL. TREK is safe, effective & novel tissue sparing treatment in KC.