Part 2: Light, Zap, Bam, Pow! How Laser Trials Are Reshaping Glaucoma Care--Light the Way, and Put Some Salt on It! | ASCRS
Part 2: Light, Zap, Bam, Pow! How Laser Trials Are Reshaping Glaucoma Care--Light the Way, and Put Some Salt on It!
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Glaucoma Day
Session: GD-3 - Medications, Lasers, and Lifestyle
Presenter: Carla J. Siegfried, MD, ABO
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This presentation is from the session "GD-3 - Medications, Lasers, and Lifestyle" from the 2022 ASCRS Glaucoma Day held on April 22, 2022 in Washington, DC.