Film 80444: The Photo-Real, Immersive, New-Age, Innovative Gameful Pedagogical and Clinical Counselling Tool with 3D Augmented Reality for Ophthalmology | ASCRS
Film 80444: The Photo-Real, Immersive, New-Age, Innovative Gameful Pedagogical and Clinical Counselling Tool with 3D Augmented Reality for Ophthalmology
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Prasanna v Ramesh
Producers: Shruthy V Ramesh; Ramesh Rajasekaran, MS
Category: New Producer/Young Physician
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The USP of this film is the augmented reality program named, ‘Eye_MG_AR’ innovated by us, to show various parts of the eye, from multiple customised angles of the user's choice, to simplify cognitive learning and clinical counselling. Various anatomical and pathological 3D eye models were constructed using real-time gonioscopic and confocal fundus images, which has never been reported before.