Film 81396: Help Me I Am Stuck! : Techniques and Tips for Managing Retained Lenticules in SMILE | ASCRS
Film 81396: Help Me I Am Stuck! : Techniques and Tips for Managing Retained Lenticules in SMILE
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Sheetal Brar, MS
Producers: Dr. Siddharth Duggal, MBBS, MS; Sri Ganesh, FRCS, MS, DNB; Hemanth Vanga, MBBS, MS, DNB
Category: Refractive/Cornea Surgery
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In SMILE, failure to extract the lenticule/part of it presents as a unique complication known as Stuck/ Retained Lenticule. This video shows various strategies to manage this complication, in order to reduce the irregular astigmatism and induce the desired effect of SMILE.This may be a useful teaching video for SMILE surgeons, which would help them avoid/ manage this unique complication.