Film 82447: Vitrector Capsulorrhexis - When There Is a Will There Is a Way | ASCRS
Film 82447: Vitrector Capsulorrhexis - When There Is a Will There Is a Way
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Ahmad Aziz, FRCOphth
Producers: Ahmed Alnahrawy, MBBS, MS
Category: Cataract/Implant Surgery
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A patient with fibrotic anterior capsules bilaterally and morgagnian cataracts required bilateral cataract surgery due to medical issues and poor vision. The thickened capsule was resistant to need capsulorrhexis and forceps. To reach the nucleus a vitrector to the anterior capsule was used to fashion a round capsular opening. Here we present the video of this cataract and the adopted technique.