Film 84319: Bowman Layer Transplantation: A Novel Technique Assisted By Femtosecond and Excimer Laser. | ASCRS
Film 84319: Bowman Layer Transplantation: A Novel Technique Assisted By Femtosecond and Excimer Laser.
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Diana Gutiérrez, MD
Producers: Aranza Estrada Mata, MD; Ana García-Albisua, MD; Guillermo de Wit, MD, FACS
Category: New Techniques
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The film shows a novel technique for the obtaining of the Bowman layer graft assisted by femtosecond and excimer laser. The excimer laser is used to thin the graft after it is obtained from the donor tissue. The pocket in the receiver is created using femtosecond laser as described by García de Oteyza. The procedure was assited transurgically by anterior segment OCT.