Film 84659: Cataract Surgery in an Aqueous Misdirection Glaucomatous Eye Post Trabeculectomy with Flat Anterior Chamber with and Cornea Oedema. | ASCRS
Film 84659: Cataract Surgery in an Aqueous Misdirection Glaucomatous Eye Post Trabeculectomy with Flat Anterior Chamber with and Cornea Oedema.
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Faisal Ahmed, FRCOphth
Producers: Ahmed Alnahrawy, MBBS, MS
Category: Cataract Complications
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Video shows cataract surgery in an aqueous misdirection glaucomatous eye with long standing iridocorneal touch with subsequent corneal oedema and flat anterior chamber following filtration surgery (glaucoma). Several attempts to reform the anterior chamber were not successful and all medical treatments to break the aqueous misdirection cycle had failed.