Film 84713: Cataract Extraction in a Pacg 89 Yrs Old Patient with Pxf and Zonular Dialysis and Incipient Choroidal Hg: Simcoe Saves the Day | ASCRS
Film 84713: Cataract Extraction in a Pacg 89 Yrs Old Patient with Pxf and Zonular Dialysis and Incipient Choroidal Hg: Simcoe Saves the Day
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Sally Ameen, FRCOphth
Category: Cataract/Implant Surgery
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We hereby demonstrate the surgery of a 89 years old male patient with primary angle closure glaucoma, pseudoexfoliation with primary phacodenesis and a brown cataract. Iris hooks were used for the iris first, then in the bag. Cataract was removed. Incipient choroidal haemorrhage was noted. Simcoe cannula saves the day. Capsular bag was removed in one piece and intact and globe was closed.