Film 88675: Glueless, Sutureless Omnifit Scleral Fixated Lens-a Novel Design | ASCRS
Film 88675: Glueless, Sutureless Omnifit Scleral Fixated Lens-a Novel Design
May 2023
Meeting: 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Mehul Shah, MS
Additional Producers: Shreya Shah, DOMS
Category: Instruments & Devices/IOLs
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This design is fit for use in paediatric patients with ectopia lentis, marfans syndrome, microspherophakia, in cases of trauma with primary anterior capsular rupture, closed globe contusion with zonular rupture, nucleus drop post trauma, iatrogenic with bag delivery or rent with loss of capsular support, endophthalmitis Large acrylic optic minimise pseudophacodonesis, better post-operative outcome.