Film 90879: Shake Phacoemulsificaiton: A Complicated Surgery Done in an Eye with Nystagmus. | ASCRS
Film 90879: Shake Phacoemulsificaiton: A Complicated Surgery Done in an Eye with Nystagmus.
May 2023
Meeting: 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Pooja Mehta, MBBS, MS
Additional Producers: Himanshu Mehta, MBBS, MS
Category: Cataract/Implant Surgery
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Performing cataract surgery in an eye with nystagmus is a huge challenge especially if there is no effect of a peribulbar block, on top of that if the patient has Albinism and an extremely light coloured iris - it accentuates the level of difficulty. My video demonstrates the ordeal that a young surgeon faces in dealing with such a case and successfully completes the surgery.