Film 92619: "Sideways Sculpting Method" a Novel Technique for Posterior Polar Cataract with Dense Nuclear Sclerosis | ASCRS
Film 92619: "Sideways Sculpting Method" a Novel Technique for Posterior Polar Cataract with Dense Nuclear Sclerosis
May 2023
Meeting: 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Nidhi Patwardhan, MD, DOMS
Additional Producers: Sourabh Patwardhan, MD, DNB, FRCS
Category: New Techniques
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The purpose of the video is to put forward a newer technique of nucleus division by “sideways sculpting” in case of posterior polar cataract (PPC) with nuclear sclerosis grade 2 and more . In this method after controlled hydrodelineation,sideways sculpting with the phaco tip without rotating the lens was performed, dividing nucleus into 4 quadrants.