Film 102042 WHEN Cornea GOES Brittle, Our Resolve GOES Hard | ASCRS
Film 102042 WHEN Cornea GOES Brittle, Our Resolve GOES Hard
April 2024
Meeting: 2024 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Authors: Raghav Malik, MD; Mahipal Sachdev, MD; Pranita Sahay, MD, DNB
Category: Refractive/Cornea Surgery
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A 12 year old child with bilateral Brittle cornea syndrome with history of multiple Penetrating keratoplasty both eyes. At presentation RE had perception of light and LE had no perception of light. Total graft scarring with Retinal detachment was noted. Patient was taken up for RE Temporary Keratoprosthesis followed by Vitreo retinal surgery and finally a penetrating keratoplasty was performed.