MS-5 Cataract Olympics | ASCRS
April 5-8, 2024   |   Boston, MA


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About this Session

Session Moderator: David F. Chang, MD, ABO
Panelists: H. Burkhard Dick, MD, PhD, María José Cosentino, MD, Bonnie An Henderson, MD, ABO, and Ronald Yeoh, FRCSEd, FRCOphth

This 90-minute program will feature four international teams of cataract surgeons (representing APACRS, ASCRS, ESCRS, LASCRS,) competing in a video program highlighting practical pearls for routine and complicated cataract surgery. An international panel of 4 judges (one representing each society) will comment after each presentation. Our Cataract Olympiad will be the first unofficial event for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games being held in Paris, France.

Presentations in this Session

Cataract Technology Hurdles

IOL Wrestling

Cataract Surgery Gymnastics