Improving Cataract Surgery Outcomes by Eliminating and Reducing Pain | ASCRS
Improving Cataract Surgery Outcomes by Eliminating and Reducing Pain
July 2020
Faculty: Eric Donnenfeld, MD, Denise Visco, MD, Neda Shamie, MD, Sumit “Sam” Garg, MD

As patient expectations have increased, there has never been a time when it was more important to improve cataract surgery outcomes by reducing pain and inflammation. This webinar will provide the latest information on new advances in drug delivery to increase, patient satisfaction and surgical outcomes.
webinar Faculty
Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD, FAAO
Eric Donnenfeld, MD, FAAO, is an internationally recognized authority in the field of refractive, corneal and laser cataract surgery. Throughout his more than 20-year career as a Long Island LASIK surgeon, Dr. Donnenfeld has successfully performed tens of thousands of laser eye vision correction procedures.
Sumit (SAM) Garg, MD
Sumit (Sam) Garg, MD, is the Vice Chair of Clinical Ophthalmology, Medical Director, and Director of Technology and an Assistant Professor of Cataract, Corneal, and Refractive Surgery at the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute, University of California, in Irvine.
Neda Shamie, MD
Dr. Neda Shamie is a renowned cataract, LASIK and corneal surgeon and partner of the Maloney-Shamie Vision Institute in Los Angeles. Prior to joining Dr. Maloney, Dr. Shamie operated a highly successful ophthalmic practice for 15 years. She was the Medical Director of the Doheny Eye Institute in Beverly Hills and is a Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at the USC Keck School of Medicine.
Neda Shamie, MD
Denise Visco, MD
Denise M. Visco, M.D. is Medical Director and founder of Eyes of York. Dr. Visco is a pioneer of cataract surgical advancement being the first female surgeon in the world to perform cataract surgery with the LENSAR Advanced Laser Cataract System. She is also a skilled LASIK surgeon having established her own freestanding laser center in 2000.