Young Eye Surgeons | ASCRS
Clinical Education

Young Eye Surgeons Resources

Young Eye Surgeons Education

Education Tailored to Your Needs

Explore the latest in education tailored to the ASCRS young eye surgeons (YES) audience. ASCRS YES is a category of membership specifically for residents, fellows, and physicians within their first 5 years of practice.

YES membership provides access to a variety of educational resources, including webinars, career advice, roundtables, surgical technique videos, and more. Browse the wealth of educational resources for young eye surgeons below.

Interested in joining ASCRS? Learn more about YES Membership.

ASCRS skills transfer lab attendee

Dr. Glaukomflecken

Dr. Glaukomaflecken, William Flanary, MD, presents on the importance of humor in medicine at the 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.