Financial Disclosures | ASCRS
Glaucoma Building Blocks

Financial Interest Index

Financial Interest Index

As a provider accredited by the Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education, ASCRS must ensure balance, independence,
objectivity, and scientific rigor in all it’s individually or jointly provided

All individuals participating in an activity designated for
CME credit must disclose any financial interest or relationship with a company
that produces, markets, resells, or distributes ophthalmic
products/devices/drugs or services used on or by patients that are discussed in
an educational presentation or lack thereof. Financial interest can include
such things as grants or research support, consultant, stockholder, member of
speaker’s bureau, et. Relationships held by a spouse or a partner must also be

The intent of this disclosure is not to disqualify anyone
from participating, but to provide the program committee with information so
they can design and implement a balanced, independent and scientific
educational activity. The Financial Interest Index provides information to learners,
so they can make their own judgement regarding the interest or relationship and
the materials presented. A complete listing of relationships disclosed, and
their corresponding codes below. 

Category Code Specific Financial Interest
Product P I earn royalty or derive other financial gain from an ophthalmic product or service
Investor R I have an investment interest in a company that produces, markets, resells, or distributes ophthalmic products/devices/drugs or services related to patient clinical care
Consultant A I receive a retainer, ad hoc fees, or other consulting income from a company that produces, markets or distributes ophthalmic products/devices/drugs or services related to patient clinical care.
B I am a member of the speakers' bureau of a company that produces, markets, resells, or distributes ophthalmic products/devices/drugs or services related to patient clinical care.
Practice Management Consultant C I provide practice management or marketing consulting services to ophthalmic practices.
Research D My research is fully or partially funded by a company that produces, markets, resells, or distributes ophthalmic produces/devices/drugs or services related to patient clinical care.
Travel E My travel expenses have been reimbursed, paid in full or subsidized by a company that produces, markets, resells or distributes ophthalmic products/devices/drugs or services related to patient clinical care.
Employee* Y I am a full-time employee of a company that produces, markets, resells, or distributes ophthalmic products/devices/drugs or services related to patient clinical care.
Z I am a part-time employee of a company that produces, markets , resells or distributes ophthalmic products/devices/drugs or services related to patient clinical care.
Spouse/Partner S My spouse or partner has a financial relationship with a company that produces, markets, resells or distributes ophthalmic products/devices/drugs or services related to patients clinical care, encompassing royalties, investment, consulting/speaker's bureau, research grants, travel reimbursement or employment.
Program Planning Committee

Leon Herndon, MD Consultant (received retainer): Allergan, Glaukos, New World Medical, Investor: Sight Sciences
Thomas Samuelson, MD Consultant (Receives Retainer): Aerie Pharmaceuticals, Allergan, Belkin Laser Inc. ELT Sight, Equinox, Glaukos, Imprimis, Ivantis, Johnson & Johnson Vision, MicroOptx, New World Medical, Ocuphire, PolyActiva, Ripple Therapeutics, Santen, Sight Science, Tear Clear, Vialase, Zeiss Meditec, Research: Belkin Laser Inc., Equinox, Ivantis, Ocuphire, Sight Science, Tear Clear, Vialase
Douglas Rhee, MD Consultant (Receives retainer): aerie, Allergan, ivantis Consultant (Speakers Bureau):aerie, glaukos, ivantis Research: Allergan
Manjool Shah, MD Consultant (Recieves retainer): Allergan, Ivantis, Katena, ONL Therapeutics Consultant (Speakers Bureau): Allergan, Ivantis
Module 1 Faculty

Christopher Girkin, MD No Relevant Financial Interests
Yasemin Sozeri, MD No Relevant Financial Interests
Amy Zhang, MD No Relevant Financial Interests
Vikas Chopra, MD
Module 2 Faculty

Brian Francis, MD Consultant: Receives Retainer: Allergan, BVI Endooptiks, Glaukos, IStar, A; Ivantis, A; MST, A, B; New world medical, A Consultant Speakers Bureau: Aerie
Tom Patrianakos, MD No Relevant Financial Interests
Sameh Mosaed, MD Consultant Receives retainer: Aerie, B; Allergan, A;
Nate Radcliffe, MD Consultant Receives retainer: Aerie, ; Alimera, A; Allergan, BVI, A; Carl Zeiss Meditec, A; Equinox, Eyepoint, A; Glaukos, A; Iridex, A; Ivantis, Lumenis, A; New World Medical, A; Novartis, A; Ocular Therapeutix, A; Omeros, A; Reichert, A; Sight Science Consultant Speakers Bureau: Aerie, Allergan, Ivantis Investor: Equinox
Module 3 Faculty

Davinder Grover, MD Consultant Receievs retainer: Allergan, MicroOptx, New World Medical, Reichert, Sanoculis, Santen Consultant Speakers Bureau: Aerie, Allergan, New World Medical, Nova Eye Medical, Olleyes, Reichert, Santen, Surgical Specialties Research: Allergan Investor: Olleyes
Paul Harasymowycz Consultant Receieves retainer: Glaukos, Ivantis, Johnson and Johnson Vision, Consultant Speakers Bureau: Aequus, Allergan, Glaukos, Iridex - Salient Medical, Ivantis, Johnson and Johnson Vision, New World Medical - Labtician, Novartis, Santen, Thea Research: Aerie, Allergan, Glaukos, Ivantis, Johnson and Johnson Vision, Thea Product: Zeiss
Jody Piltz -Seymour Consultant Speakers Bureau: Aerie pharmaceuticals Investor: Aerie pharmaceuticals
Module 4 Faculty

Won Kim, MD No Relevant Financial Interests
Jacob Brubaker, MD Consultant receives retainer: Aerie, Allergan, Ivantis, New World Medical Consultant Speakers Bureau: Aerie, Allergan Research: Aerie, Allergan, Equinox, Glaukos, Ivantis, Nicox, Santen
Ike Ahmed, MD Consultant receives retainer: Aequus, Akorn, Allergan, ArcScan, Beaver Visitec, Beyeonics, A; Camras Vision, A; Carl Zeiss, A; CorNeat Vision, Ellex, A; ELT Sight, A; ElultiMed, A; Equinox, A; Genentech, A; Glaukos, A, D; Gore, A; InjectSense, A; Iridex, A; iStar, A; Ivantis, A; Johnson and Johnson, A; KeLoTec, A; LayerBio, A; Leica Microsystems, A; MicroOptx, A; MST Surgical, A; New World Medical, A; Ocular Instruments, A; Ocular Therapeutix, A; Omega Ophthalmics, A; PolyActiva, A; Sanoculis, A; Santen, Sight Sciences, A; Smartlens, A; Stroma, A; Thea Pharma, A; ViaLase, A; Vizzario, A Consultant Speakers Bureau: Aerie Research: Allergan, CorNeat Vision, Santen
Marlene Moster, MD Consultant receives retainer: Santen Consultant Speakers Bureau: Aerie, Allergan, Iridex, MedEdicus, Novartis-Alcon Research: Aerie, Allergan, Glaukos, InnFocus, Iridex, Santen Investor: Qura

Maria Ravn No Relevant Financial Interests
Carrie Braden No Relevant Financial Interests
Janell John No Relevant Financial Interests
Emily Gagnon No Relevant Financial Interests