ASCRS Foundation 2022 June Newsletter | ASCRS
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ASCRS Foundation 2022 June Newsletter

June is National Cataract Awareness Month and the ASCRS Foundation is proud to continue advancing our mission of eradicating preventable blindness and expanding physician education globally. According to the World Health Organization, cataracts affect approximately 65.2 million people and cause moderate to severe vision loss in over 80% of cases. Your support ensures our programs can continue to change the course of cataract blindness and give the gift of sight to those who need it most.


The ASCRS Foundation's Board of Directors is an exemplary group of individuals who have repeatedly demonstrated their commitment to humanitarian eye care. We proudly welcome Michael O’Malley and Tad Heitmann! 

"The ASCRS Foundation's humanitarian efforts to treat preventable blindness through charitable cataract surgery and physician education are incredibly important in the U.S. and abroad. The simple ability to see clearly improves the quality of life, work, and relationships for every individual, and the Foundation is working to provide this basic need. I am honored to work with a fantastic group of industry leaders to continue to expand the work of the Foundation and provide more resources towards its mission." - Michael O'Malley

"The ASCRS Foundation has effectively fused the skill and passion of ophthalmic surgeons, the generosity of ASCRS/ASOA members, and the resources and innovative spirit of the companies that serve them to help a growing number of patients in need. The opportunity to join prominent industry leaders in advancing this sight-saving collaboration is an honor, one that feels like a distillation of all the factors that have made my work in eye care so personally fulfilling.” - Tad Heitmann

View the entire ASCRS Foundation Board of Directors here.


Now is an ideal time to make your gift to the ASCRS Foundation as we celebrate National Cataract Awareness Month. With your gift, we will be able to give the gift of sight to more individuals this year who urgently need our help. Imagine the lasting impact that your support will have and make your gift today.

Many donors are giving through their donor-advised fund or stock transfer. For more information, please email Molly Gascoigne at [email protected]


The ASCRS Foundation Young Eye Surgeon International Service Grantees are committed to expanding humanitarian resources in the global ophthalmic community through their international service projects. We interviewed grantee, Erin Sieck, MD about her upcoming travel plans to Sierra Leone and her experience as a Foundation grantee. Read the full interview here.

“The advice and mentorship I've received from the grant committee are priceless. I feel fortunate we extended our trip planning an extra three years due to the pandemic - it gave us more time to collaborate with the giants of global ophthalmology. I am inspired by their continued drive to improve international access to safe ophthalmic care. No project is too small to have an impact!” – Erin Sieck, MD

The 2023 grant application is opening soon! To be alerted when the application opens or for more information about the program, complete this interest form or contact Violet Gehr, Foundation Coordinator at [email protected].


The ASCRS Foundation is proud to spotlight the 2022 Operation Sight Volunteers of the Year in our newsletter. This month, we shine a light on Jeffrey Levenson, MD. Dr. Levenson is recognized for his immeasurable impact on the lives of Operation Sight patients year-round and was recently interviewed about his experience.

“Operation Sight brings me back every week to the reason I do what I do. It's the purest expression of my best self. It reminds me daily of the remarkable magic trick every ophthalmologist knows, and its capacity to change the world.” –  Jeffrey Levenson, MD

Click here to read Dr. Levenson’s full interview!

Contact Rachel Goode, Program Manager at [email protected] to learn more about volunteering with the ASCRS Foundation’s Operation Sight program.


Save the date for the 7th Annual National Sight Week October 9th – October 15th! Join us in celebrating the collective power of the ophthalmology community as we work to make cataract care accessible! There are eligible, vetted patients in your community who have been approved by the ASCRS Foundation and are awaiting care. Make a difference close to home! Click here to learn more about joining us as an Operation Sight volunteer. Stay tuned as we release the list of our growing list of participating locations, digital swag and recognize volunteers who are making a difference. Contact Rachel Goode, Program Manager at [email protected] for more information.

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