20/Happy in 2020
Adjunct Refractive Cataract Technology - What Do I really Need?
Module 7: Available Online Now (Non-CME)
This webinar was held live on November 7, 2020 at 11:00 A.M. EST. CME credit for this module has expired.
Non-IOL technologies are important adjuncts to a refractive cataract practice. Topics include office diagnostic testing, femtosecond laser, Zepto PPC, new microscope features, dropless cataract surgery, and sustained release drug delivery technology.
This module is available for ASCRS Members to view below. Log in using the teal button at the top right of the page to view the on-demand videos.

Nov 07, 2020

Mitchell Weikert, MD

Richard Lindstrom, MD

Audrey Tally Rostov, MD

Cynthia Matossian, MD

George Waring IV, MD

Julie Schallhorn, MD

Neal Shorstein, MD

Neel Desai MD

Robert Weinstock, MD