Real World Case Studies in Patient IOL Selection and Management | ASCRS
20/Happy in 2020

Real-World Case Studies in Patient IOL Selection and MAnagement

Module 8: Available Online Now (Non-CME)

This webinar was held live on November 21, 2020 at 11:00 A.M. EST. CME credit for this module has expired.

Case studies for faculty panel, and polling to engage the audience. Topics include which refractive IOL to use in a variety of controversial situations (post-refractive, mild drusen, mild glaucoma, pilots, etc), management of dissatisfaction with halos or refractive outcome.

This module is available for ASCRS Members to view below. Log in using the teal button at the top right of the page to view the on-demand videos. 


Bonnie Henderson, MD


Kevin Miller, MD


Blake Williamson, MD

Florian Kretz, MD

Florian Kretz, MD

Marjan Farid, MD

Naveen Rao, MD

Robert Pineda, MD

Robert Pineda, MD 

Sumitra Khandelwal, MD

Surendra Basti, MD

Tal Raviv, MD