ASCRS Focus on Cataract Surgery
IOL Exchange
June 2022 Update
There may be situations after cataract surgery that result in an unhappy patient, such as a suboptimal refractive outcome or a dislocated IOL. In these situations, it may be necessary to perform an IOL exchange in order to achieve the patient's desired outcomes.
In this updated ASCRS Focus on Cataract surgery, explore educational resources about the decision to perform an IOL exchange as well as surgical demonstrations of a variety of IOL exchange techniques.

In-Depth IOL Exchange Courses
Courses are 90-minute instructional sessions that include Q&A time and interactive discussion among the instructors and audience. View these in-depth courses on IOL exchange from the 2022 and 2021 ASCRS Annual Meetings.
JCRS Article
Intraocular bag-in-the-lens exchange: indications, outcomes, and complications
Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery: May 2022 - Volume 48 - Issue 5 - p 568-575doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000787
Purpose: To report the indications, outcomes, and complications regarding bag-in-the-lens (BIL) intraocular lens (IOL) exchange over a period of 13 years in a tertiary ophthalmologic center.
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JCRS Article
Diffractive optic intraocular lens exchange: indications and outcomes
Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery: June 2022 - Volume 48 - Issue 6 - p 673-678doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000815
Purpose: To assess indications and outcomes of surgical exchange of diffractive optic multifocal and extended depth-of-focus intraocular lenses (IOLs) in favor of monofocal IOLs.
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Sugical Technique
Explore videos outlining the variety of surgical techniques associated with IOL exchange.
IC-202 Making IOL Exchange Routine in the Refractive World
This 2021 instructional course will help teach participants the best approaches to easily complete an IOL exchange. It will start with basic/simple IOL exchanges and progress to more advanced techniques for difficult exchanges. It will help participants gain confidence in IOL exchange techniques and pearls to making the difficult become routine.

EyeWorld Article
Pearls for refixating and exchanging IOLs
by Ellen Stodola, Editorial Co-DirectorIn some cases, it may be necessary to refixate or remove an IOL after cataract surgery. Several surgeons discussed how they determine when this course of action is needed and techniques they use.
When you have a patient with a dislocated lens-bag complex, there are a variety of factors to consider, said Steve Safran, MD...
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EyeWorld Article
YES connect: IOL exchange for the young eye surgeon
By Liz Hillman EyeWorld Staff WriterPatient expectations for cataract surgery are growing at a feverish pace. While the tools to deliver exceptional refractive outcomes are also increasing, there will inevitably be unhappy patients with suboptimal outcomes along the way. Current solutions include excimer corneal ablation, IOL exchange/reposition, and piggyback lenses...
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ASCRS Film Festival
View these surgical films on IOL exchange presented at the 2022 and 2021 ASCRS Film Festivals.
ASCRS Webinar
Management of Secondary IOLs and Dislocated IOL Placement: Yamane Technique Pearls
Moderator: Nicole Fram, MDPanelists: Mitchell Weikert, MD, Brandon Ayres, MD, and Steve Safran, MD
Have you had a patient with a damaged posterior capsule, weakened zonule, or dislocated IOL? Then you might be interested in learning more about intrascleral haptic fixation, IOL exchange and the Yamane technique.