Secondary Hypotony Due to Glaucoma Surgery: Occlusion of the Ahmed Valve Tube Assisted By Laser. | ASCRS
Film 75667: Secondary Hypotony Due to Glaucoma Surgery: Occlusion of the Ahmed Valve Tube Assisted By Laser.
July 2021
Meeting: 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
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Film ID: 75667
Presenting Author: Jesús Lara Peñaranda, MD
Producers: Amany Abbas Khoja, MD; Encarnación Asensio del Pozo, MD; Fernando González del Valle, MD; Virginia Hernández Ortega, MD; Esperanza López Mondéjar, MD; Laura Riveira Villalobos, MD; José Manuel Zarco Tejada, MD 
Category: Glaucoma Surgery

In a case of severe posttraumic glaucoma with a valve implant, a secondary ocular hypotony was developed. To treat this serious condition, a polypropylene suture was inserted into the tube of the Ahmed valve. To achieve the complete occlusion of the valve tube, the end part of the suture was reshaped by applying laser through the tube. This new technique is reversible.