Film 80817: Eom’s Double Loop Fixation Method for IOLs with Plate Loop Haptics. | ASCRS
Film 80817: Eom’s Double Loop Fixation Method for IOLs with Plate Loop Haptics.
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Young Choi, MD
Producers: Hyun Woo Chung, MD; Youngsub Eom, MD, PhD; Hyo Myung Kim, MD, PhD; Seo Yeon Park, MD; Jong-Suk Song, MD, PhD
Category: New Techniques
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This video introduces the scleral fixation method for single-piece IOLs with plate loop haptics. The introduced method fixates IOL by making two rectangular-loop sutures with 9-0 polypropylene. When the first and second needle pass through the haptics successively, they intersect in opposite directions as one goes upwards and the other goes downwards, respectively.