Film 81417: Cataract Surgery and Implantation of High-Power (57 D) Intraocular Lenses in a Patient with Nanophthalmos (AL < 16.5 mm) | ASCRS
Film 81417: Cataract Surgery and Implantation of High-Power (57 D) Intraocular Lenses in a Patient with Nanophthalmos (AL < 16.5 mm)
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Sotiria Palioura, MD, MSc, PhD, ABO, CEBT
Producers: Georgios Trichonas, MD, ABO
Category: Instruments & Devices/IOLs
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Cataract surgery in nanophthalmic eyes presents several challenges. In this case a single piece high-powered IOL (57 D) was implanted in both eyes, which allowed the patient to be free of glasses and contact lenses for the first time in her life.