Film 83141: Neophyte Gonioscopist's Animative and Videographic Atlas with Focal Points for Effective Practice | ASCRS
Film 83141: Neophyte Gonioscopist's Animative and Videographic Atlas with Focal Points for Effective Practice
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Sathyan Parthasarathi, DNB
Producers: Prasanna Ramesh, MS, DNB
Category: Quality Teaching
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This film is a teaching video for gonioscopy neophytes, highlighting the A-Z of gonioscopy techniques along with real-time high definition angle videos and animations. Various animations are created in 2D and 3D, with multiple views such as front on, side on and gonioscopic view for normal and pathological angles. This film will also help in concept training for procedures such as SLT and ALT.