Film 92684: Triple Threat: A Complex Cataract Nightmare Referral with Multiple Ocular Co-Morbidities Conquered By an ECCE with SF IOL (Yamane Technique) | ASCRS
Film 92684: Triple Threat: A Complex Cataract Nightmare Referral with Multiple Ocular Co-Morbidities Conquered By an ECCE with SF IOL (Yamane Technique)
May 2023
Meeting: 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Savannah Kumar, BSc
Additional Producers: Abha Amin, MD, ABO
Category: Quality Teaching
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A patient was referred with elevated IOP due to phacolytic glaucoma, pseudoexfoliation, phacodonesis and Fuchs' dystrophy. MSICS was in progress, but when the lens was being expressed the adherent capsule and vitreous prolapsed with it. After my moment, a pars plana anterior vitrectomy was performed, followed by SFIOL using the Yamane technique for an amazing outcome of 20/70 uncorrected vision.