Film 101876 Correction of Intraocular Lens Optic Tilt in Intrasclerally-Fixated Lenses | ASCRS
Film 101876 Correction of Intraocular Lens Optic Tilt in Intrasclerally-Fixated Lenses
April 2024
Meeting: 2024 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Authors: Surendra Basti, MD, ABO; Avrey Thau, MD
Category: Cataract/Implant Surgery
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Runner Up, Cataract/Implant Surgery

Three-piece intraocular lenses (IOLs) rely on the stability of the haptic-optic junction, as rotation at this junction results in a tilted IOL. With intrasclerally fixed (ISF) IOLs, a phenomenon recognized more recently is a postoperative, significant optic tilt. Our video shows the phenomenon, intraoperative approach to risk reduction, and techniques for surgical correction of tilted ISF IOLs.