Enroll | ASCRS
ASCRS Business of Refractive Cataract Surgery Summit


I have essentially doubled my conversion percentage, which was my initial goal. I do believe one aspect that I (and probably others) overlook is the confidence factor. I gained more confidence in the ATIOLs just from hearing about personal experiences from [Dr. Vance Thompson] and all the others that spoke at the conference.
Jeff Holt, MD, 2024 BRiCS attendee, Holt Eye Clinic, Arkansas

Enrollment Information

More information about the next Business of Refractive Cataract Surgery (BRiCS) Summit will be available soon. Click below to put your name on the early info sign-up list! Enrollment will open in March. 

Space for this course is limited. Sign up for the early information list below to hear about registration early and increase your chances of getting a seat.



Sign Up for Info
Richard L. Lindstrom, MD

This may be the most important course your practice can attend to prepare for the future. Patients want advanced implants and learning how best to deliver them enhances patient joy, professional satisfaction, and the financial health your practice deserves in this reducing third-party pay for cataract surgery environment. I highly recommend your practice enroll in this heavily business-oriented course if you desire to grow in advanced implant refractive cataract surgery.
Richard Lindstrom, MD