Best Paper of Session Winners | ASCRS
April 13-17, 2018   |   Washington, D.C.

2018 ASCRS ASOA Annual Meeting

2018 Best Paper of Session (BPOS) Winners

Session Winning Paper Title Presenter CoAuthors
SPS-101 Challenging Cases/IFIS Prevalence of Macular Abnormalities Identified Only by OCT in Patients with Cataract Bruna V. Ventura, MD, PhD Laura Portela Rabello, MD; Wanessa Michelle Paes Pinto, MD; Marcelo C. Ventura, MD, PhD
SPS-102 Refractive Outcomes/ELP/Refractive Index Shaping Assessment of a New Objective Lens-Density Quantification Method Using Swept-Source OCT for Cataract Grading Damien Gatinel, MD, PhD Christophe Panthier, MD; Alain Saad, MD; Helene Rouger, PhD
SPS-103 SMILE/LASIK To Flush or Not to Flush the Interface in Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction: First Results in a Prospective Randomized Paired-Eye Multicenter Study Walter Sekundo, MD, PhD Ralf Kind; Laszlo Kiraly, MD; Bertram Meyer, MD; Suphi Taneri, MD; Leonie M. Troeber, MD; Rainer H. Wiltfang, MD
SPS-104 MIGS/Laser/Other Surgery Outcomes of Ab Interno Gel Stent Placement with and without Previous Incisional Glaucoma Procedures Arsham Sheybani, MD Joseph Panarelli, MD; Kent P. Bashford, DO; Alan Mitchell, MS; Jill Ling; Susan S. Lee, PhD; Rupali S. Nangia, MS
SPS-105 Dry Eye Disease and Treatment Options Evaluation of Symptoms of Blurred Vision and Corneal Staining in Dry Eye Treated with Cyclosporine Ophthalmic Emulsion 0.05% or Vehicle Mark S. Milner, MD Elizabeth Yeu, MD; Emily Weng, ScD, MBA; Michelle Senchyna, PhD
SPS-106 Keratoconus: Topography-Guided PRK/CXL/Surgical Techniques Bowman Layer Graft Surgery for Keratoconus: Preliminary Results Georges D. Baïkoff, MD
SPS-107 EDOF/EROV IOLs Extended-Depth-of-Focus IOL Implantation after Radial Keratotomy Brandon Baartman, MD Kayla Karpuk, OD; John P. Berdahl, MD; Keith O'Neil Rasmussen, OD; Douglas D. Wallin, OD; Vance Thompson, MD
SPS-108 LASIK Procedures: Topography-Guided and Wavefront-Guided More Eyes with 20/10 Distance Visual Acuity at 12 Months Versus 3 Months in a Topography-Guided Excimer Laser Trial: Possible Contributing Factors Daniel S. Durrie, MD Richard Potvin, MASc, OD; Andrea Petznick, PhD
SPS-109 Surgical Planning/SMILE Differential Biomechanical Changes in LASIK Flap and Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction Cap Shruti K. Maru, MS, DNB Rohit Shetty, DNB, FRCS; Abhijit S. Roy, PhD
SPS-110 Surgical Outcomes: MIGS/Supraciliary Evaluation of Ab Interno Subconjunctival Drainage Device in the Management of Glaucoma: Nine-Month Results Saama Sabeti, MD Sangsu Han, MD; Garfield Miller, MD; Robert L. Chevrier, MD, FRCSC; David Marshall, MD; Ralf Buhrmann, MD, PhD, FRCSC
SPS-111 Keratoconus: CXL Techniques/Femto Assisted Femtosecond-Assisted Crosslinking Versus Conventional Crosslinking: Proof of Concept of the Deeper the Better Lional Raj Daniel Raj Ponniah, MD Amar Agarwal, FRCS
SPS-112 DSAEK/Donor Tissue Evaluation/Nanothin Effect of Cornea Preservation Time on Descemet-Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty Success and Endothelial Cell Loss: Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial Jonathan Lass, MD Loretta B. Szczotka-Flynn, OD, PhD; Beth Ann Benetz, FOPS; Allison Ayala; Roy W. Beck, MD, PhD; Wendi Liang, MS; . Cornea Preservation Time Study Group
SPS-201 Astigmatism/Toric IOLs Comparison of Astigmatic Prediction Error of a New Toric Lens Calculator Incorporating the Abulafia-Koch Formula with Other Calculation Methodologies Tiago B. Ferreira, MD Filomena J. Ribeiro, MD, PhD; Paulo Ribeiro, PhD; João O'Neill, PhD
SPS-202 Scleral Implants/Scleral Microperforation/Presbyopic LASIK Evaluation of Accommodative and Biomechanical Changes in Macaque Nonhuman Primates after Laser Scleral Microporation Jod S. Mehta, MD, FRCSEd AnnMarie Hipsley, DPT, PhD; Yu-Chi Liu, MD, MCI
SPS-203 MFIOLs/EDOF IOL's/Mix-and-Match IOLs Modeling the Effect of Off-Axis Light for Refractive and Diffractive IOLs Mark Packer, MD
SPS-204 Refractive Outcomes: Topography/Wavefront-Guided/SMILE/Phakic IOLs Clinical Outcomes and Vector Analysis in Myopia Patients with High Astigmatism with Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction and Corneal Wavefront-Guided Transepithelial PRK David Sung Yong Kang, MD Ikhyun Jun, MD, PhD; Dan Z. Reinstein, MD, FRCSC; Si Yoon Park, MD; Eun Kyung Kim, MD; Tae-im Kim, MD, PhD
SPS-205 Keratoconus: PRK/Intrastromal Rings/CXL Femtosecond-Assisted Image-Guided Intracorneal Ring Segment Implantation: Anterior and Posterior Bulging and Relationship with Contact Lens Fitting Salima I. Hassanaly, MD Andrea C. Arteaga, MD; Jose de la Cruz, MD, MSc
SPS-206 Complications Optical Quality Assessment of IOLs with Localized Opacification Associated with the Intraocular Injection of Gas Grzegorz Labuz, PhD Timur M. Yildirim, MD; Tom J.T.P. van den Berg, PhD; Ramin Khoramnia, MD; Gerd U. Auffarth, MD, PhD
SPS-206 Complications Flap Motility as a Sign for Early Diagnosis of Posterior Capsule Rupture in the Presence of Anterior Capsular Tears Tushya Parkash, MS Shruti Mahajan, MS; Rohit Parkash, MS
SPS-207 DMEK: Outcomes/Preloaded Tissue Regenerative Therapy for Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy: Descemet Membrane Transplantation Jod S. Mehta, MD, FRCSEd
SPS-208 EDOF/Trifocal IOLs Extended-Depth-of-Focus Toric IOL Targeted for Emmetropia in Both Eyes or Nanovision: Defocus Curve and Reading Speed Results Stephen G. Slade, MD Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD; Stephen S. Lane, MD; Helga P. Sandoval, MD, MSCR; Kerry D. Solomon, MD
SPS-209 LASIK/PRK Outcomes One-Dimensional Versus 3-Dimensional Tissue Altered Metrics for LASIK Surgery Damien Gatinel, MD, PhD Alain Saad, MD; Perry S. Binder, MS, MD
SPS-210 Maculopathy Retrospective Analysis of Real-World Disease Detection and Visual Acuity Outcomes in Patients with Dry AMD Converting to Wet AMD Using the AAO IRIS Registry Database Allen C. Ho, MD, FACS
SPS-210 Maculopathy Implantation of Macular Lens in Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Prospective European Multicenter Clinical Trial Sathish Srinivasan, FRCSEd, FRCOphth Gabor B. Scharioth, MD, PhD
SPS-211 IOL Power Calculations/Post Refractive Surgery New Method for IOL Power Calculation in the Second Eye of Patients with Previous Keratorefractive Surgery Shawn R. Lin, MD, MBA David Xu, MD; D. Rex Hamilton, MS, MD
SPS-212 Phacoemulsification: Fluidics/Complex Cases Advanced MicroInterventional Technique for Nucleus Disassembly in Grade 4 and 4+ Cataracts Tsontcho Ianchulev, MD, MPH Farrell C. Tyson, MD; John P. Berdahl, MD; Ike Ahmed, MD
SPS-213 MFIOLs/Trifocal IOLs Comparative Analysis of Visual Performance after Bilateral Implantation of 2 New Diffractive Trifocal IOLs after Lens Removal Thomas Kohnen, MD, PhD, FEBO Eva Hemkeppler, MSc; Michael Herzog, MD; Sabrina Schönbrunn; Nina De Lorenzo; Kerstin Petermann, MSc; Myriam S. Böhm, MD, MSc
SPS-214 Refractive Outcomes: PRK/SMILE Understanding Molecular Pathways in Corneal Haze after PRK: Clinical Implications and New Targeted Therapeutics Pooja Khamar, MBBS, MS Rohit Shetty, DNB, FRCS; Arkasubhra Ghosh; Rajiv R. Mohan, PhD
SPS-215 Drug Delivery Stanniocalcin-1 Ocular Hypotensive Agent and Downstream Effector Molecule Necessary for the IOP-Lowering Effects of Latanoprost Gavin Roddy, MD, PhD
SPS-301 Devices and Instrumentation Minicap Sub-4.0 mm Phaco-Free Surgical Approach and Global Cataract Outreach Using Microinterventional Techniques Susan M. MacDonald, MD Tsontcho Ianchulev, MD, MPH; Alan S. Crandall, MD; Ernesto A. Calvo, MD
SPS-302 EDOF IOLs/Comparison Studies Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Implantation of Toric Multifocal IOL Based on Automated Corneal Shape Analysis Comparison with a Manual Technique Philipp Hagen, PhD Detlev R. Breyer, MD; Hakan Kaymak, MD; Karsten Klabe, MD; Timon Ax; Florian TA Kretz, MD; Gerd U. Auffarth, MD, PhD
SPS-303 Corneal Inlays Presbyopia Correction after Small-Aperture Corneal Inlay Implantation after Previous LASIK Shamik Bafna, MD Majid Moarefi, MD; William F. Wiley, MD; Jeffrey M. Augustine, OD
SPS-304 Refractive Outcomes: LASIK/PRK/SMILE Contralateral-Eye Comparison of Quality of Vision in Wavefront-Guided and Wavefront-Optimized LASIK Joshua R. Roe, MD Edward E. Manche, MD
SPS-305 Ocular Surface Disease/Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency/MGD Treatments Lid-Wiper Epitheliopathy in Distinct Regions of Upper and Lower Eyelids in Patients with Varying Degrees of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Jack V. Greiner, MD, PhD Michael Lindsay, BA; Deidra M. Soto, BS; Paula J. Oliver, AS
SPS-306 DALK/Keratoprosthesis/Limbal Stem Cell Transplantation Big Bubble Type 1 Formation During DALK Guided by Dual Scheimpflug and 10.0 mm Diameter Placido Topography and Pachymetry Maps Carlos G. Arce, MD Adriana S. Forseto, MD; Heanes T. Pfluck, MD; Nicolas C. Pereira, MD
SPS-307 Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery Ensuring Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Corneal Incisions are Where the Surgeons Want Them to Be Chandra Bala, PhD, MBBS(Hons) Kerrie Meades, MBBS(Hons)
SPS-308 Medications: Topical/Intracameral Comparison of Abatement of Intracameral Cefuroxime, Moxifloxacin, and Vancomycin in the Anterior Chamber and Their Efficacies Steve A. Arshinoff, MD, FRCSC Tina Felfeli, BSc
SPS-310 Refractive Procedures: SMILE/ReLEx Long-Term Safety and Visual and Refractive Outcomes after Femtosecond Laser Intrastromal Lenticule Implantation for Treatment of Hyperopia Sri Ganesh, MBBS, MS, DNB Sheetal Brar, MD
SPS-311 Refractive Procedures:Photorefractive Intrastromal CXL/LASIK/Topography-Guided Laser In Situ Keratomileusis Using Topography-Modified Refraction Versus Standard Refraction: Prospective Contralateral-Eye Study A. John Kanellopoulos, MD
SPS-312 IOL Power Calculations/Biometry Exploring Pupil Dynamics and Biometry in Eyes Having Cataract Surgery Damien Gatinel, MD, PhD Imene Salah, MSc; Alain Saad, MD
SPS-313 MIGS Effects on Outflow Facility of 3 New Schlemm Canal Devices Douglas J. Rhee, MD Ike Ahmed, MD; Carol B. Toris, PhD
SPS-314 Devices and Techniques Effect of Pulsing with Transverse Ultrasound on Efficiency and Chatter Christina A. Mamalis, MD Ashlie A. Bernhisel, MD; Alex J. Wright, BS; Brian E. Zaugg, MD; William R. Barlow, MD; Jeff Pettey, MD; Randall J. Olson, MD
SPS-315 Pediatric Cataract Outcomes Clinical Outcomes of Pars Plana Posterior Capsulectomy and Anterior Vitrectomy in Pediatric Cataract Surgery William J. Johnson, MD M. Edward Wilson, MD; Rupal H. Trivedi, MD
SPS-316 IOLs: Monofocal/Design Intraocular Len Optic Design Modifications to Reduce Positive and Negative Dysphotopsia Jay C. Erie, MD Michael Mahr, MD; Michael J. Simpson, PhD; Mark H. Bandhauer, MS
SPS-317 Complications: LASIK/SMILE Results of a New Surgical Technique Using a Femtosecond Laser in LASIK Enhancements to Reduce the Incidence of Epithelium Ingrowth Mark C. Lobanoff, MD
SPS-318 Complications: Ectasia/Infection/Phakic IOLs Flap Melting Over Corneal Inlay for Hyperopic Correction Suphi Taneri, MD Saskia Kiessler, Dipl.-Ing.; Anika Rost, MSc; H. Burkhard Dick, MD
SPS-319 Keratoconus: Diagnosis and Treatment Methods Comparison of Effect of Eye Rubbing in Keratoconus Eyes and Normal Eyes Using Scheimpflug Analysis and a Dynamic Bidirectional Applanation Device Maria A. Henriquez, MD, PhD Marta G. Hadid, MD; Angella M. Cerrate Ramos Sr., MD; Laura A. Cañola Ramirez Sr., MD; Luis Izquierdo, MD, PhD
SPS-402 IOL Power Calculations/ Astigmatism Measurements Accuracy of Total Corneal Topographic Astigmatism Compared with Total Corneal Power Measured Using 3 Tomographers Noel Alpins, MD, FACS George Stamatelatos, OD; James K. Ong, BOptom, Dr. rer. nat.; J. Bradley Randleman, MD; Anita Nevyas-Wallace, MD
SPS-403 Surgical Outcomes: MIGS/Combined Procedures Goldmann Applanation Tonometry Error Relative to True Intracameral Pressure Modulated in Live Human Eyes Having Cataract Surgery Sean McCafferty, MD
SPS-404 Ocular Surface/Pterygium, AMT High-Resolution Anterior Segment OCT to Diagnosis and Differentiate Between Benign Lymphoid Hyperplasia, Conjunctival Lymphoma, and Conjunctival Amyloidosis Nandini Venkateswaran, MD Van Ann Tran, MD; Anat Galor, MD, MSPH; Carol L. Karp, MD
SPS-405 DMEK Technique/Indications Host Descemetic Scaffold for Pre-Descemet and Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty Soosan Jacobs
SPS-406 PTK/SMILE/Keratoplasty Techniques Treating Corneal Edema with Artificial Corneal Endothelial Implant: First Human Experience and 4-Year Animal Study Ofer Daphna, MD
SPS-407 Practice Patterns/Training Impact of International Council of Ophthalmology Examinations in Latin America Juan F. Batlle, MD
SPS-408 Small-Aperture IOLs/Accommodating IOLs Assessing Patient Refractive Needs with Objective Measurements Arthur B. Cummings, MD Pavel Zakharov, PhD; Moreno Menghini, MD; Matthias Brunner, MD; Eduard Haefliger, MD
SPS-409 Secondary IOLs/Surgical Outcomes Multifocal IOL Failure: Reasons for IOL Exchange and Associated Ocular Comorbidities Steven M. Naids, MD Samuel Masket, MD; Nicole R. Fram, MD
SPS-410 Toric IOLs/ Power Calculation Effect of IOL Tilt on Refractive Astigmatism Simulated with a Ray-Tracing Model Mitchell P. Weikert, MS, MD Abhinav Golla, BS; Li Wang, MD, PhD
SPS-411 Microbial Keratitis: Diagnosis/Treatment/CXL Bactericidal Peroxidation of Riboflavin Photoactivated by UVA for Stationary-Phase MRSA Persister Cells Causing Keratitis in Vitro Andreina Tarff, MD Rebecca Yee; Ying Zhang, MD, PhD; Ashley Behrens, MD
SPS-412 FLACS: Lens Fragmentation/Complex Cases Simultaneous Pupil Expansion and Displacement Technique for Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery in Patients with Lens Ectopia Boris E. Malyugin, MD, PhD Natalia Anisimova, MD; Olga Antonova, PhD; Lisa B. Arbisser, MD
SPS-413 Ocular Surface/Corneal Dystrophies Clinical and Cytogenetic Characterization of a Previously Unreported Family with Posterior Amorphous Corneal Dystrophy Martha F. Whiting, BS Aleck E. Cervantes, BS; Katherine M. Gee, BS; Ricardo F. Frausto, BA; Anthony J. Aldave, MD