Film 81296: White Cataract - Making the Right Call and Handling It with Safer Techniques | ASCRS
Film 81296: White Cataract - Making the Right Call and Handling It with Safer Techniques
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Ashok Vardhan Sundara Varadhan, DNB
Producers: Vivekanandan Ramakrishnan, MS; Sathya Ravilla, MS
Category: Quality Teaching
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Not all white cataracts are the same and it takes experience to learn when and what to do in a white cataract. This is a teaching video that includes preoperative assessment of the cataract to decide on a safe surgical approach, tips on surgical maneuver and picking up warning signs intra-operatively. Key points to avoid complications in Phacoemulsification and Manual SICS technique are covered.