Film 100174 The Third Hand: Modified Irrigation Tip for Bimanual | ASCRS
Film 100174 The Third Hand: Modified Irrigation Tip for Bimanual
April 2024
Meeting: 2024 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Authors: Kumar Doctor, MD; Shivani Pattnaik, MS
Category: In-House Production
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In FLACS,cortical fibres get cut 200µ below CCC.Post FLACS,if there is miosis beyond the CCC,then bimanual I/A becomes difficult as there are no free cortical fibrils seen for aspiration as the bimanual I/A cannot hold on to the iris.So we modified the irrigating handle with a Y.This atraumatically retracts the iris during I/A to visualise the cortical end for safe aspiration all 360° around