Film 102565 Subluxated Cataract Surgery in Marfan Syndrome Using a Scleral Fixated Anchor with a Novel Suture | ASCRS
Film 102565 Subluxated Cataract Surgery in Marfan Syndrome Using a Scleral Fixated Anchor with a Novel Suture
April 2024
Meeting: 2024 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Authors: Waleed Ghannam, MD; Arie Marcovich, MD, PhD; Lipaz Varkel, MD
Category: Instruments & Devices/IOLs
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Three year-old child presented with a superiorly subluxated lens. An eccentric capsulorhexis was performed supported by hooks and the lens was aspirated. The subluxated bag was fixated to the sclera with an anchor using a novel polytetrafluorethylene suture that was inserted with 30G needles via a Hoffman pocket using a novel lasso technique. A 3 piece IOL was implanted in the sulcus.