Avoiding the Argentinian Flag Sign: Hypermature Cataract Management with Laser Cataract Surgery | ASCRS
Film 77978: Avoiding the Argentinian Flag Sign: Hypermature Cataract Management with Laser Cataract Surgery
July 2021
Meeting: 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
This content is only available for ASCRS Members

This content from the 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting is only available to ASCRS members. To log in, click the teal "Login" button in the upper right-hand corner of this page.

Film ID: 77978
Presenting Author: Caleb Holtmeyer, BSc
Producers: Wendell Scott, MD, ABO
Category: New Producer/Young Physician

The anxiety surrounding hypermature cataract surgery can keep you up at night! We showcase integration of the femtosecond laser as a tool in the OR, our laser setting modifications used when treating a hypermature cataract, and challenging cases where we have implemented this technology.