ASCRS Focus on Cataract Surgery | ASCRS
ASCRS Clinical Education

ASCRS Focus on Cataract Surgery

Scleral Fixation of Intraocular Lenses

June 2022

When there is insufficient support provided by the capsular bag, different techniques of intraocular lens fixation may be required in the case of an IOL implantation or exchange. While there are various fixation techniques available, scleral fixation is a popular choice for many clinical scenarios. 

In this ASCRS Focus on Cataract Surgery, explore a selection of surgical videos and publications covering the various scleral fixation techniques and complications, including the Yamane technique, sutured and sutureless fixation, and various challenging cases. 

Flanged IOL Fixation Technique

Presented at 2019 ASCRS Cornea Day

Presenter: Shin Yamane, MD, PhD

Dr. Yamane presents background on intrascleral IOL fixation and key pearls for his double-needle, small-incision, sutureless, transconjunctival scleral fixation technique at the 2019 ASCRS Cornea Day meeting in San Diego, CA. 

EyeWorld Article

Review of “Glued intraocular lens in eyes with deficient capsules: retrospective analysis of long-term effects”

by Sabrina Mukhtar, MD, Ian Conner, MD, and Evan Waxman, MD
In eyes that lack posterior capsular support, there are several methods to implant intraocular lenses, including iris-fixated IOLs, anterior chamber IOLs, and transscleral fixated IOLs...

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EyeWorld Article

Pearls for refixating and exchanging IOLs

by Ellen Stodola, Editorial Co-Director
In some cases, it may be necessary to refixate or remove an IOL after cataract surgery. Several surgeons discussed how they determine when this course of action is needed and techniques they use...

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JCRS Article

Punch and rescue technique for scleral fixation of dislocated single-piece intraocular lenses

Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery: February 2022

In-the-bag intraocular lens (IOL) dislocation is a well-known complication after cataract surgery. As the number of cataract surgeries performed annually continues to increase, so will the incidence of IOL dislocations requiring surgical correction. Described is a new technique for rescue and refixation of a single-piece acrylic IOL...

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JCRS Article

Knot-free suture scleral fixation of dislocated intraocular lenses: clinical results of a novel surgical technique

Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery: July 2021

The management of dislocated intraocular lenses (IOLs) is a complex surgical problem. There are many different approaches to achieve a well-centered IOL and favorable refractive outcome.1 The simplest approach is to remove the dislocated IOL and perform a scleral fixation procedure with a new IOL...

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Glued IOLs and the Yamane Double-Needle Flange Technique: Intrascleral Haptic-Fixation Methods—Video-Based Course

Presented at the 2019 ASCRS Annual Meeting

Instructor: Ashar Agarwal, MBBS, MS, FRCS
Co-Instructors: Amar Agarwal, FRCS; Ashvin Agarwal, MD; Shin Yamane, MD, PhD; Sumit Garg, MD; Yuri McKee, MD; Naveen K. Rao, MD, ABO

Course will cover intrascleral haptic fixation techniques. The techniques of glued IOLs and refixation of subluxated IOLs using glue will be covered, as well as the Yamane technique. Complications and problems encountered with both glued IOL and Yamane technique will be shown. Session format will be video-based.