ASCRS Phaco Fundamentals Satellite CME Symposium – Phacodynamics for Challenging Cataracts | ASCRS
Satellite CME Programs

ASCRS Phaco Fundamentals Satellite CME Symposium – Phacodynamics for Challenging Cataracts

PHACO FUNDAMENTALS: Phacodynamics for Challenging Cataracts

ASCRS Satellite CME Symposium  


Date: Sunday, April 27, 2025

Lunch and Registration: 11:00am PT
Program: 1
1:30am – 1:30pm PT 

Location: Los Angeles Convention Center, Concourse Hall, Room 152-153

 This program will review principles for adjusting and optimizing phaco machine settings and techniques for both routine and complex cases. Special attention will be given to surgical strategies for rock hard cataracts and complicated cases. Videos will include cases being performed with 4 different phaco machines.

Educational Objectives:

At the conclusion of this program, attendees should be able to: 

  • Understand fundamental vacuum pump settings and ultrasound modulation for phaco and when to modify them.
  • Understand how to modify platform-specific phaco settings for white cataracts
  • Understand nuclear disassembly techniques and strategies for white cataracts
  • List strategies for complex phaco cases and the principles of how and why settings and techniques may need adjustment


Program Co-Chairs

David Chang, MD

Kourtney Houser, MD

Apr 27, 2025


David F. Chang, MD

Part 1: Essential Phacodynamic Principles

11:40am-11:46am When should I adjust the vacuum or flow (Peristaltic / Venturi)?
11:46am-11:52am How do I recognize and manage post occlusion surge? (Sumitra Khandelwal)
11:52am-11:58am When should I adjust the power modulation...with PCR (David Chang)
11:58am-12:04pm What settings should I use for chopping?
12:04pm-12:14pm Panel Discussion

Part 2: What parameters/methods do I modify for Complex Cases

12:15pm-12:25pm Small Pupil (e.g. IFIS)
12:25pm-12:35pm Zonulopathy Cataracts
12:35pm-12:45pm White Cataract
12:45pm-12:55pm Rock Hard Cataract

Part 3: Surgical Strategies for Complicated Cases

Alternating Case presentations by David Chang & Kourtney Houser
the faculty have not seen these cases and will be asked to describe their pearls for a variety of challenging situations

• Trampolining posterior capsule (David Chang)
• High myope (Kourtney Houser)
• Posterior polar cataract with ?PCR (David Chang)
• Posterior subcapsular cataract in patient with prior intravitreal injections (Kourtney Houser)
• Converting to ECCE (David Chang)
• Severely subluxated cataract (Kourtney Houser)