ASCRS Cornea Refractive Satellite CME Symposium | ASCRS
Satellite CME Programs

ASCRS Cornea Refractive Satellite CME Symposium

ASCRS Cornea Refractive Satellite CME Symposium 2025

ASCRS Satellite CME Symposium  

Date: Sunday, April 27, 2025
Reception and Registration: 4:30pm PT
Program: 5:00pm – 6:00pm PT
Location: Los Angeles Convention Center, Concourse Hall, Room 152-153

Description: This symposium will provide an interactive case-based discussion of important points when considering how to counsel patients, evaluate complicated corneas prior to refractive surgery and ultimately determine the best management and surgical treatment to achieve a refractive outcome. Topography essentials, the role of genetic testing in corneal refractive surgery and an update on corneal cross linking will also be presented.


Educational Objectives:

At the conclusion of the program, attendees should be able to:

  • Interpret topography and tomography for at risk and irregular corneas.
  • Summarize available refractive surgery options for patients with irregular corneas.
  • Discuss crosslinking and what advances are in development.
  • Employ strategies for patients with keratoconus seeking refractive surgery treatment and how to build a treatment plan with several case scenarios.

Program Co-Chairs

Daniel Chang, MD

Marjan Farid, MD